Dream about Someone Abducted

Dream about Someone Abducted A dream involving someone being kidnapped is a sign of a significant lady in your life. You have a solid foundation. In your relationship, you’re feeling insecurity and jealousy in some way. Duality, limitations, boundaries, and laws are symbols in this dream. You must be adaptable in your ideas. Someone kidnapped … Read more

Dream about Abducted

Dream about Abducted Dreaming about being kidnapped indicates a slacker mentality. Perhaps you’ve become too assertive or self-assured. You must approach an issue in a more unorthodox manner. This dream represents purification and healing. Even though you seem to be flighty at times, you are grounded. Your yearning for seclusion is referred described as “abducted.” … Read more

Dream about Getting Abducted

Dream about Getting Abducted A dream about being kidnapped has a hidden meaning. You get the impression that you cannot rely on anybody and will be left alone. You swiftly get to the core of the subject. Your concerns with intimacy, power, control, and effectiveness are all represented in this dream. Your strong principles and … Read more

Dream about Friend Being Abducted

Dream about Friend Being Abducted Imagining a Friend Being kidnapped symbolizes the unpredictability of life. You’ve figured out a niggling difficulty or issue. Something that was once emotionally soothing is now causing you a great deal of anxiety. True friendship and love fidelity are shown in your dream. Perhaps you’re seeking someone with whom you … Read more

Dream about Someone Being Abducted

Dream about Someone Being Abducted Someone is on your mind. Being kidnapped is a sign of strength and the traits or emotions that control your life. You’re feeling emotionally drained. In life, you still have a lot to learn. The dream symbolizes the concessions you make in life. You get the impression that people are … Read more