Dream About Abusing Someone
Imagine yourself abusing Someone. Someone suggests that you have greater knowledge, intelligence, and insight. You’ll be able to put your unsolved concerns to rest. Someone is making fun of you or ridiculing you. In this dream, your spirit is linked to the earth, air, fire, and water. You may be prioritizing your career or ambition above your family.
Abusing Someone mentions your amazing potential. You are a unique individual. You’re trying to figure out what’s going on in a circumstance. The dream suggests that you maintain track of and remain on top of certain issues. It’s past time for you to confront reality.
Dreaming about abuse and Someone abusing you is a sign that your support system and feeling of security are in jeopardy. In your life, you’re attempting to capture or locate anything.
You will be rewarded for your efforts. The dream represents the ramifications of your own choices. In your life, you’re heading on a doubtful or dangerous course. In this dream, abuse represents your emotional condition. In certain business situations or personal relationships, you must be receptive and communicative. Perhaps you’re burdened by a relationship or a sense of guilt. This dream foreshadows your current situation in life or your relationships. You’re impersonating Someone you’re not.
Someone in your dream represents your casual approach toward making a choice. You’re squandering time by idling. You must maintain some level of control and objectivity. The dream foreshadows something of lesser quality. Before receiving the rewards, you must first overcome a sticky or thorny circumstance.
Someone’s rage and hostility are restrained in their dreams. You’re looking for some kind of organization in your life. You’ll need to be more resourceful in the future. A trivial topic or scenario is shown in your dream. Little things that may seem inconsequential are causing you pain.
Both “Abuse” and “Someone” dreams are about insecurity or a lack of commitment. You are too concerned and have an excessive number of issues. Someone may seem to be attempting to suppress you. Unfortunately, the dream indicates a forewarning of a transitional period in which you are attempting to balance your aggressive and emotional sides. Something is making you unhappy and unfulfilled.
Abusing Someone in a dream is an indication of an emotional barrier. You approach life with the thought of people close to you in mind. You’re concealing something and are terrified of being discovered. The dream is a metaphor for your sentiments about your country and its policies. You’re stubbornly reluctant to let your originality shine through.
See Also:Dream About Being Abused